Project proposal: the Transformation of El barrio's Artspace in a 3D Space in the Metaverse

Foundation Yesenia Torres

The Foundation Yesenia Torres it is much more than a simple for-profit entity. It is a beacon of hope and empowerment to those who face physical challenges, emotional and mental. Arising out of the personal journey of its founder, Yesenia Torres, towards self-acceptance and the search for meaning, the foundation stands as a shrine of support and guidance. With a focus on empowerment, guidance, education, and the testimony, the foundation seeks to not only provide tangible aid, but also to inspire others to find their voice and their purpose. It is a safe space where people can share their experiences and to find the strength to move forward. In a world where there is often silence the voices of those who need to be heard, the Foundation Yesenia Torres stands as a tireless advocate, providing light and hope to those who need it desperately.

This project aims to transform El barrio's Artspace in a 3D virtual space in the Metaverse. The initiative seeks to explore how this evolution digital can benefit the artistic community, and to amplify the impact of the exhibition of art.



   In a world that is increasingly digitised, it is essential to adapt to new technologies in order to maintain the relevance and accessibility for the hearing. The physical limitations imposed by the geographical location and the capacity constraints highlight the need for innovative solutions to promote and share the art of more inclusive and global.

Video of the event held April 06 At El barrio's Artspace PS109 International Fair Art Metaverse, "April In Colors" 


  1. Transform El barrio's Artspace in a 3D virtual space in the Metaverse.
  2. To expand the scope of the exhibitions of art, reaching a global audience without any geographical limitations. Our goal is to reach all the potential population of the world have a cell phone, computer, or computer, virtual reality, and are interested in art and culture.
  3. To encourage the participation and collaboration of the artistic community in a digital environment immersive.
  4. To facilitate access to culture and the arts, especially for those who face barriers to physical or economic, to attend events.
  5. Expand part of the cultural mission of El barrio's Artspace to all corners of the world creating a global community.


   The project will include the creation of a 3D virtual space in the Metaverse using the platform VR Cambass to El barrio's Artspace. Will not address physical changes in the real space of the El barrio's Artspace.



   The project will be developed in several stages, including the design of the 3d structure of the headquarters of El barrio's Artspace in the virtual space, the integration of works of art, the configuration of virtual events, and the formation of the community in the use of the platform VR Cambass.


 Resources will be provided by our organization through our institutional partnerships, which will contribute to: personnel with experience in 3D design, development, programming codes and virtual development, access to the platform VR Cambass and, funding for potential costs associated equipment and appropriate computer.




   The project will be carried out within a period of six months, with specific stages of design, development and implementation, beginning at 4 months after the project approved.

Play Video

Video International Fair Art Metaverse


The cost of the development of El barrio's Artspace, will be assumed by our organization Yessenia Torres Foundation and partnerships with Art New York Corporation, Cambass Gallery and other organizations that want to participate financially in the project.


Evaluation and Follow-up


   The progress of the project will be assessed by specific milestones achieved in each stage and the feedback from the artistic community. Success will be measured by the increase in the participation and the scope of the virtual exhibitions.

Our partnerships

Our entity has made a great partnership with two entities with more than 10 years of experience in software development, the socio-cultural aimed at the development of social, cultural and artistic.

Art New York Corporation, which will be the technology developer that will put in motion the creation of the virtual space and put your team to accomplish this project and Cambass Gallery which is responsible for handling the display of the project in the cultural community to the global level.

These two entities have worked together, producing developments very remarkable in the field of art, using the visual technology as a strategic tool to achieve their goals. Among one of his largest developments are The VR Cambas which is a technology platform used to promote the artistic communities all over the planet, the 6th District of New York called “VR Cultural District of New York”contains several different cultural spaces like the VR Cambas Museum, VR Art New York NFT Gallery, among others.

VR Art New York NFT Gallery

VR Cambass Museum

VR London's Cultural District

VR Art4you Gallery

Conclusions and Recommendations

    The transformation of El barrio's Artspace, in a 3D space in the Metaverse, it represents an exciting opportunity to reinvent the way we experience and share the art. By adopting this groundbreaking technology, we not only expand our reach and increase our accessibility, but also open new possibilities for creativity and collaboration in the digital world. It is recommended to continue exploring new ways to use technology platforms to enrich the artistic experience, and community in the Metaverse.